Wednesday, January 03, 2007

yo wussup..haha.. alright let me blog donw my new year's stuff..

to train 4 CL(you know who u are)
to bring my bro and dad to God..
to know the word deeper..
to be more discipline(almost every area in my life)..
to improve my saxophone...
to develop my power gifting to another level..
and aslo control my money spending

yup.. and guess what yesterday i manage to wake up early!!... although i was 1 hour late for secdule but the thing is there is a slight BREAKTHROUGH!!! i'm so happy about that.. thank you LORD!!.. anyway i went swimming yesterday morning then later in the afternoon went to play basketball with some brothers and sisters... well today i was unable to wake up early.. i don't know why...but i hope tomorrow i'm able to get my ass off my bed.. well so later man.. bye


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