Wednesday, April 11, 2007

hello ppl.. i feel great now!!.. being refreshed becaue i made a decision to change and i can just feel god affirming that decision.. because when we are a christian too long.. sometimes we tend to "slack" either we know it or not.. so by making a decision to come back to the heart of worship makes me very joyful... and i want to start going back to basic again to make my foundation strong and that is by praying and reflecting about my walk with god in the last 4 yrs+.. so i hope you reading this will start making a decision to come back to the heart of worship.. god longs for you!!...

today went for ULC and hearing from the teachers and all that it sounds scary going to a higher level of leadership because got so many things need to do.. and i'm not good at many things.. but on the other hand i'm excited to grow.. just like my last entry said "start a revolution for JESUS".. i don't know but i just want to grow and achieve things i never done before.. leading is one thing i've never dream of.. but guess what God use a nobody to make a difference in lives today!! and that is me.. but it can be you too!.. just desire and work hard to show God i can do it.. and God know you can you just need to make an effort.....

This is my personal conviction to be a leader for Christ you must be Spiritual.. as in you must be able to connect to the spiritual world able to access to the heart of God.. feeling God's heartbeat..
how to do that?
you need to like, desire the spiritual side.. connecting to God all the time.. love what God love.. always put the kingdom 1st. take effort to read and know God's character. then slowly you will be able to hear God's small still voice, experience a touch of his presence.. i tell you it is Great! because i have experience this and i want you to experience it as well.. and all this will need to be overtime because you are drawing near to God and he is drawing near to you.. in James 4:8 it says "come near to God and he will come near to you" and then like the parable of the lost son in Luke 15: 11-20 when the son realise that he is lost and wants to come back to the father.. at a distance his dad saw him and ran towards him and threw his arms around him and kissed him. so lets always come back to God.. when we are close to him we can experience him.. we can know his heartbeat...

be bless.


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