Wednesday, July 04, 2007

each time i think about your wondrous love.. i can't help but fall in love with you again and again...

i was thinking recently what will cause me to fall?... because I've been through testing, trials and temptation.. then i came to a conclusion.. RELATIONSHIP will make me fall... because i can say that what i went through did not cause me to leave God, but i have not gone through getting into relationship. i believe is this "God will not put us into temptation that we cannot bear"

it's not the right time yet... reason because

1) my focus will change(it will not be pleasing to God)
2) it will kill both of us(spiritual)
3) i will loose trust from people around me(everything i teach will be going against me)

liking a person is not wrong, but make sure don't do stupid thing.. account to spiritual buddy, mentor or higher authority so that they can keep watch over you. It's impt to have a strong brotherhood or sisterhood. There will be times where you will feel lonely, i've got to admit i do feel it too... but thank God he is always there for me when i got this stupid problem. I've like people before(I WILL NOT SAY IT HERE), but thank God he preserve me so that i can serve him 100% and give my best to my future wife.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.


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