Wednesday, August 13, 2008

alright for the past 2 post i think it was a little "emo".. not for this post, i hope it will make you jealous

last sunday i bought a new bible, which i really need it, because it was torn and the words are too small for me. and also i want to start a new chapter with my spiritual life.. in the old bible there were times of dryness, power moments, faith filled, inconsistency with my walk (yes it's true i'm not perfect) etc...

the following monday came 11 of aug 2008.. before i start reading i prayed "God excite me with what you gonna give me, just as how food excites my tongue."
I started reading Matthew and for the first 7 chapters it was easy to read, easy to understand and God did excite me with the chapters just as how an appetizer would make you crave for more and make you look forward for more.. the second day, it was the main course... God made me think deeper in some of the chapters and made me understand, so it was heavy filling me up... God really did answer my prayers.. he really made want to have more.. he is the chef of kings.. there is no trick to experience this intimacy with him.. all you got to do is pray for a new experience, be patient in reading and understanding.. slow down your life open up your ears...

today i went down to SIMEI ITE, because God lead me there.. and i was wondering why, so i just went down... and it was quiet... the spiritual atmosphere is dead, sleeping, whatever, it's not there and it cause a burden in me.. God lead me there, God choose me, and God wants me to do something.. but how many of you would give up your cca, your personal time and follow me to bring revival in that land?.. Jesus said if you love your parents more than me, then you are not worthy of me. if you don't give up your time for him, you are not worthy of him. The cost of following him is obey and go, not sacrifice.. God wants us to obey him more than anything else. think about it... and i hope DI peeps you would give me a response, because something must be done.. make an impact wherever you are now, or miss your calling and regret it.


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