Saturday, October 24, 2009

welcome to my another episode of critic

This time i went to a Italian place.. it called AL Dante.. located at esplanade...

this is what i ordered

warm baby spinach with portobello mushroom
beef lasagne
and a bread pizza... (i'm sharing)

I think it's a good place.. i would give it a 7

walked in
found a table upstairs and on my way up i saw a waiter carring this huge massive tray with 4 plates and on the other hand another plate.. first it's dangerous.. what if he drops it? or fall.. big mess.. 2nd it's slow.. by the time he bring it up to the counter the food will be cold.. i seriously suggest a mini lift.. save time, faster service and no danger.

got to our table and i was just observing everything around me... until i realise we got no napkin.. they forgot about it while setting our table.
then nearby our casino is still under construction and the plates and drinking glasses got dusty very quickly.. can't help that... so i continued to observe again.. the waiters were all young people, it looks like as if they are there for attachment or something.. really young say about 17 to 19yrs... then also something bad which is all of them folded up their sleeves, which i think it's a bad idea because it will make them look like shit.. some are long some are short.. and if they have to put their sleeves back it will be crumpled.

Our starters came.. i love what i had.. fresh baby spinach, not over cooked, fresh portobello mushroom grilled to perfection, great flavour.. it's a good combination. Yao min had mussel.. Fresh!, perfect! not over cooked! real good.. sauce it good too..
while eating i saw a waitress adjusting a table to make it stable.. big mistake!.. she put a cardboard on of the legs to balance it!!! what in the world!! it makes the place looks bad! looks like a coffeee shop now... next our mains came i think it was alright for mine.. nothing fantastic about it.. just need a touch of salt.. oh and when we were done with our starters, manager came to pick up the plate BUT he did not clear the cutlery that we used for our starters.. he just put it by the side!! oh man.. are they low on cutlery?... why can't he just change the fork and spoon?..

then we had our bread pizza.. well again nothing wow about it.. it's alright.. it's balance in the taste..
when we were done with our meal, we sit and talk and continue to observe.. at 930pm they still accept customers to come.. when is the last order?.. even at 10pm.. anyway they were not ready to take in customers because the table was not set!.. even when customers were settled down, it took them some time to set the tables!.. again that is bad.. real bad.. they are never ready for anything... then talking halfway a waiter came and give me the bill!! i was thinking ok... i didn't ask for it.. i looked and realise that it was the wrong bill it's not meant for me but the table behind yao min.. HELLO!!! wake up!!...

service was not good.. but there was one waiter notice that i was observing them and he ask me if i need anything.. that is a good thing...

for service i would give 4/10
Food 6/10
environment 5/10 now because of the IR, but in future i believe it would be 7 or 8

overall i think the place is a 7/10...
service is real bad for this palce if it was better i would give the overall a 8


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