Wednesday, November 04, 2009

currently i'm just doing this small research of premature birth- why?

because sometime ago when i met with my grandma we were talking and all that, but i could not understand her so my cousin translate for me. She said that i was very tiny.. a small little baby because i was a premature birth. And after looking at some articals, they said that premature babies have a great risk of death after they have been delivered, due to the environment condition, then also like organs are not fully developed and are left to fight for their life.. even if they survived, they will have disabilities, may suffer from brain damage, and other complication..

But after looking at the articals i can't help but thank god that he protected me still watching over me, i can't deny it... indeed he has a greater plan for me and will use me in some ways that he wants.

1988- saved me from birth
2002- He found me
2003- He called me by name Isaiah
- I showed my faith through water baptism

along the way he showed me how much he love me.
along the way he disciplined me because he love me.
He never fail to surprise me.
till now.....

how can i ever say enough how amazing is you love.


Blogger samson said...

wow... this blog is touching... realli =)

2:47 AM  

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