Wednesday, June 07, 2006

long time never blog already... lets see....

well.. east b coming up with something big.. none of us tired this b4.. we r going to like start our own click.. we will try to be the most attractive group in sch.. and for coming july holiday we going to book about 15 coms from a lan shop and book 2 pool and 2 billard table.. we aim to see at least 20 people to join us.. it's really exciting.. because we never try anything like this b4.. we r going to put a risk of getting hurt.. losing some $$.. but if this pulls through... many will come to us.. so this is just the starting...

during the holiday.. we are going to have a overnight CG!!! i believe that after that night our bonds will be stronger... and the hunger for the word of god will grow! a christian life is very interesting and challenging..i love it...

night everyone


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