Tuesday, September 04, 2007

something that I'm pondering after watching Evan almighty...

Why can't politics involve God?.... is it because that the non believers don't understand?... because from what i know, in the past the church are the ones that give direction to the government.. so why now is it different?... what is wrong with mentioning GOD in a politics meeting?... Yeah they do accept Christian values, but why not GOD in the picture..

I think that is what God really hates.. he can't be involve in our politics meeting, imagine if Singapore's politics involve God in the picture, i think many things will change, like the "kiasue" thing, i think it will change the mindset of people, and we will not need to keep posting about please give way to others or tell others to move in the bus when there is still a lot of space behind... things will be different here.. and i think there will not be any casino built here..

speaking about casino, i don't really like that idea, yes it will create jobs for people, have more skilled people, attract more business here.. but how about the bad side?.. more families will be broken up, suicide rates increase... i mean which is more important?.. business or family?... what do you Singaporeans say? any point of view?


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