Tuesday, November 20, 2007

hi ppl, back to update a little bit of what had happened....

recently i did my english presentation, and guess what i got 17/20.. which is the TOP in class!! hahaha.. but guess what.. i was one day late, because i forgot to bring my script.. and now i got 16/20, which is on par with a few people... WASTED!!!!!!!!!.....

then i got my result for this "foods" test.. i thought i was gonna fail.. but guess what!.. i got 38.5/55, which is 70%.. i'm not sure if is a B or C.. but thank God that i didn't fail... really gonna study harder for my end term exam...

and also, for past 2 weeks god used my dad to bless me when i was out of cash.. seriously i don't know how on earth i spend my money.. got to improve in this man.... how god did it.. well.. my dad bet on soccer..haha...

oh.. and today i did my butchering today.. and it sucks.. my chicken looks like some cat that scratch and eat it.. lol.. but i did better for my lamb, got to saw the bone out very tiring...



Blogger elizabethloojingmin said...

i detest lamb!!!
it made me screwed my comprehensive exam!!!!!!~

2:32 PM  

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