Thursday, January 31, 2008

time to update a little bit.... ok lets see..... TODAY WE HAVE A CONVERT!! his name is edward.. yeah.. welcome to the family!... the second thing is tomorrow i'm gonna work part time in this new hotel called St. regis Hotel, i checked it out and is a 6 star hotel, praise god for that, some senior came to my class and asked who wants to work part time so i agreed, and this is where i'm gonna work, i hope is not just one day but for until i get into my attachment.. and tmr is my soup test!, consomme, mushroom soup, and vichyssoise(cold soup)... then i got back another result today, my science test and i got like 70% which sucks and my engilsh somehow drop to 60%!! can't believe it.. but thank god i never fail any of the subject so far.. and i'm earl for school everyday!! yeah!!.. that's all good night


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