Sunday, June 11, 2006

all right..... time to update...

lets see...on firday c.west people came to my hs at bukit batok for bbq... and they had way too much food left over... haha.. but thats good.. going to a bbq with very little food is really really wierd and it sucks! anyway.. some people ask me how come i got 2 house... well..i'm gonna say this once right here... my parents are divorced.. the guy whom u see over there at bukit batok is not my dad.. is my step-dad.. but the women u see is my real mom... yup... so thats why i got 2 place.. but anyway...

my mom came back from her church camp at KL... she was telling me about this guy called Ian Peter... she said that he is a very anointed person... well... as she speak about him and how she encounter god through him... there is a hunger building in me.. i tasted god's anointing in the past.. the rich anointing that boost my spiritual gifts... i had many great encounter with the holy spirit.. but as time goes.. it drop little by little and soon it became a little dry.... but months ago.. i am starting to desire this hunger again..i hunger for the anointing.. i hunger to see god using me(thats why i am called isaish.. isa 6:8)...i want to see god mirical in everyday life... isn't it exciting?.. when god use us.. then a big problem comes along then god's mirical comes along too... WOW!!!!... it's really a beautiful picture!!!.. take sometime to imagine that... even when god pour his anointing on us then he uses us.. i can really imagine it... really wonderful... many times when worship.. i'm just so lost in his presence.. I WANT MORE!!!!!!!!.........

i hope u too will desire god's's really beautiful.....

P.s:.. can anyone tell me about being slain in the spirit?... i heard this many times.. i heard that our church used to do the slaining thing(not sure if it's true)... someone please explain... tks


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