Tuesday, September 16, 2008

the world is in trouble..

1st war on terror

2nd earthquakes, storms etc...

3rd fall of the US economy, political problems...

4th??? oil crisis? and wine crisis? or maybe a plague

and all this, i think is going to come to past soon.. read revelation 6 about the seals... i'm not confirming anything, but is from my own judgement.. people the end is soon to come... what jesus said in matthew 24: 6-8 i think it has already come to past.. we heard rumors of war.. we had earthquakes that shook the world(tsunami)... to me it looks like the 3rd seal has already been open.
again i'm not confirming anything here, but i just want you readers to know that the end is near, prepare for something even worst.
Believe in Jesus, repent and be baptise, do his will. that all i want to say...

something random, do u know that john the baptise had a similar birth as jesus?.. only thing is his was not of a virgin. u can read in luke chap 1 to 3


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