Wednesday, December 03, 2008

i have thought about it, my brother has thought about it.

Hopefully in 3 to 5 years time, we will open a restaurant and bar. we will be gathering info, we will be visting many bars to get ideas.

i think this idea is a good idea to generate money, with that money in, i can go overseas and learn more, go overseas and plant church without worring about cash flow, going overseas and open new restaurants, expand and expand.

i have concluded that i must be my own boss, i don't like to work for people. and that will happen.

For the past few weeks i haven't been working in the kitchen, so all my skills were rusty, but it is now the second week and my chef said that i have improved since last week, in my skills and speed. i really thank God for this, all that has happen is a good training for me.


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