Wednesday, October 17, 2007

3rd week of my sch, and today was my practical test!!!... i made 3 soup, 1st was the consumme(pronounce as con-su-may.. not con-su-me).. next one way carrot puree(puree means rough).. and scottch broth(veg and meat).. i believe i did very very very Good!!.. but the only thing was my trainner said my carrot puree and scottch broth not enough salt.. juts a little bit more!... i was wondering... from my past cooking at home, my guys said is too salty.. and i was also thinking.. my trainner had to test 20 students soup.. and i wonder if the salt numb his tongue that he think's i didn't put in enough.. but anyway really thank God for it.. time to Glorify God and make impacts in my classmates life and also the school.. pray for me guys.. to start a Cg in shatec... tmr is my sauce test!!.. lol.. and friday is my another sauce test!!.. total 6 sauces have to make....

i'm getting use to waking up early now.. but today had a little problem.. when i woke up i can't walk properly.. i was swaying left and right.. too tired so i decided to skip my english class( Yes in shatec we got to learn proper english.. all your primay sch teacher teach wrongly!!!..) i believe i got a little fatigue today... but going to slp early later to regain all my strength.. night all


Blogger ellie~! said...

haha diao...ya pronunciation of consomme is like consume-me!...
haha...jia you ah brother!

2:18 PM  

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