Thursday, April 01, 2010

a sick week

this week i fell sick again.. after i recovered from the previous week... but i thank God that my bunk mate had some panadol for fever... so anyway i was not well for the start of the week.. like for 2 days.. really prayed and depend on God to work because the fever was on and off.. then i also had block nose till now.. i can't smell and taste.. maybe i should thank God for that.. don't have to taste the bad food in the cookhouse, don't have to smell the stinky mud when it's low, but yeah this week was till alright.. other than we had a few problems in the toilet, found a bottle of powder and a underwear covered in shit!!.. terrible!!.. so the whole platoon got it from our commanders.. no one admited for the whole day till night when everyone was punished then someone admits to leaving his bottle in the toilet.. as for the underwear.. it's a mystery


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