Tuesday, October 07, 2008

first day of work which was yesterday, at au jardin at botanic gardens, i think it was crap, i don't really like the way how the chef work, it is because he is not assigning me to any station, although i'm gonna be there for just 1 week+ i think he should just give me a station to do, but then just before dinner service, i was transferred to the cafe, which was just opposite au jardin to help in their dinner service. It was fun there now i was able to touch the stove, i was doing pasta and together with the Italian chef, i think he is good, the way he teach me and tell me what to do, but i have to say he has a funny taste bud, i hope it's not mine..lol.. i told him the sauce is salty, but he says it's alright.. when i told him the another sauce was a little blend then he went like this in English with Italian slang "what! first u tell me it was salty, now u tell me it's blend, you want me to kill u now or later?" man it was funny but customers did complain it's salty..lol..

the sad thing working here is that now my sunday may get burn off, i don't know when is my day off... and i want to go leadership camp!!!.. GOD GIVE ME MY DAY OFF ON SUNDAY PLEASE!!!!


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