Tuesday, June 19, 2007

something that i want to say is that

"BE STILL and know that he is GOD, his eyes search through the earth looking for a holy and clean vessel and whom shall he sent to proclaim his messages to his people? For when the time comes your old man will dream dreams, your sons and daughters will prophesy and young men will see visions because the Lord had poured out his spirit"
Many times we think that we are mature and we will spend less time praying and worshiping the Lord, it happened to me before. We must repent from this mistake, because this is PRIDE, that keeps us away from God. We will NEVER know God until we meet him face to face. But thank him for his grace, mercy and patients, but we must not take it for granted, because it will run out and we will be in deep deep trouble. REPENT
"His anger last a moment, but his favour last a life time"
I feel like a psalmist haha. But all this is truly written from my heart.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

hello, hello

planning my future.. haha... after higher nitec will be going NS so that will be like 21, then 2 yrs of service so that will be 23 to 24... after that, i might plan to go into culinary
(reason because i can't take engineering anymore or any IT thing, my brain will pop, but why culinary because i want to go church planting and in this field i can do tent making, and also i kinda like cooking) so will be 2yrs after that will be like 26! very old already haha.. but will work to get experience 1st for 2 to 3 yrs so by then i will be 29!! shit! old man... time is getting shorter each time when you plan your life... but who cares that's what i want to do..(God uses old people)

i think I'm weird, i don't know who is reading this but here goes... when jasmine announced the change of leadership, i didn't feel sad or happy... today was with the DI cls, i asked all of them, and almost all say that they are sad that Mh leave DI, i was thinking to myself how come sad?. i don't understand... well maybe this is how God created me, but what makes me sad was to see beggars living in this world, when i went to Bangkok, i see many of them around the street, kids and old people.. when i went there i felt like crying because they are in that state... well i can say that, that is a close thing to my heart(might be my calling). so i think only things that are close to my heart will make me sad or happy.. but that does not mean that i don't love mh.

Monday, June 11, 2007

The Lord said to Abram "your decedents will be as numerous as the sand on the seashore". the dream is big, is impossible, when will the time come?, i want to get out go to the lands where Christ was not known so that i will not built on some one's ground. .