Sunday, April 25, 2010

today i finally had the chance to stay at home, just to be alone with God. It was fulfilling to hit the gym pushing myself to the limit over and over again and knowing that God is encouraging me with every step i jog, the painful part is always the start where pain will just kick in and force you to give up, but once you have a breakthrough from the pain you will be free as a Bird.

Romans 8: 37 "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."

As long as we fight on with the pain or with anything that is stopping us God will see us through and we will conquer mountains.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

one thing that i can't stand is that our schedule is not flexible at all.. it was a total rush with no rest time today because we are booking out, it really pisses me off and to make matters worst for me was lunch at the cookhouse was a total failure!! can't stand the sight of the food, i need something GOOD! BUT something to thank God was that during the week of hard training, there was a day that was really hot and i mean real hot that i prayed for clouds to come, and god answered me "i will send clouds and rain" and moments later clouds came and i doubted the rain part but god proved me wrong, he meant what he said.

the other good thing was that i help one of my bunk mate with integrity, because we were suppose to log in into this web and our officer asked who did not log in, so my buddy and i did not own up until i told him we should and he hesitated a little and asked is it because of integrity? and i said yes, so he thanked me.. praise god again!

integrity is a very important character to hold on to, but many times we are tempted to let go of it.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

the word of God was spoken to me during service in Matthew 5: 13 -16

salt and light

You the the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses it's saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and be trampled by men.
You are the light of the world. A city on a hill that cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven.

be a walking bible in the camp!

Saturday, April 03, 2010

city of men

Went to watch city of men last night, if you had watched city of God, it is similar to it. It's showing about 2 best friends going through thick and thin together in Brazil where they grew up and about gangs, drugs, ect.. and most importantly one of them had a kid even before he turned 18.. i believe the whole show is talking about men mainly... if a boy had no father, no role model to follow, who knows what would that boy become. The important role of a father to his son is what i believe is lacking in this world today, not just a good father role model but also a prominent figure that people can look up and follow.. we need God to rise up people with values, with character to follow. may not be a national icon but among the group of friends that we hang out with.

to all men, please do your job rise up and become who God wants you to be.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

a sick week

this week i fell sick again.. after i recovered from the previous week... but i thank God that my bunk mate had some panadol for fever... so anyway i was not well for the start of the week.. like for 2 days.. really prayed and depend on God to work because the fever was on and off.. then i also had block nose till now.. i can't smell and taste.. maybe i should thank God for that.. don't have to taste the bad food in the cookhouse, don't have to smell the stinky mud when it's low, but yeah this week was till alright.. other than we had a few problems in the toilet, found a bottle of powder and a underwear covered in shit!!.. terrible!!.. so the whole platoon got it from our commanders.. no one admited for the whole day till night when everyone was punished then someone admits to leaving his bottle in the toilet.. as for the underwear.. it's a mystery