time to update a little bit.... ok lets see..... TODAY WE HAVE A CONVERT!! his name is edward.. yeah.. welcome to the family!... the second thing is tomorrow i'm gonna work part time in this new hotel called St. regis Hotel, i checked it out and is a 6 star hotel, praise god for that, some senior came to my class and asked who wants to work part time so i agreed, and this is where i'm gonna work, i hope is not just one day but for until i get into my attachment.. and tmr is my soup test!, consomme, mushroom soup, and vichyssoise(cold soup)... then i got back another result today, my science test and i got like 70% which sucks and my engilsh somehow drop to 60%!! can't believe it.. but thank god i never fail any of the subject so far.. and i'm earl for school everyday!! yeah!!.. that's all good night
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
i was pondering why people backslide
and a few things that i came to and heard...
-because God did not answer my prayer and is not real anymore
-because i don't like the leaders
-because i had a misunderstanding with this person
-because i got other things which i find is very important
-because God allow things happen to me
yup these few things...
and come to think about it.. let me answer one by one
1st) what you mean by God is not real anymore?.. if he has been answering your prayers and just because of 1 prayer you say he is not real?.. hey listen to this... is not about what God can do for you, but it's about what you can do for God... or maybe is one of these answer, yes, no, Wait for the right timing or wait i have a better plan for you.. God never fails us.. sometimes it may take God to answer us in years.. but never give up hope, be patient.
2nd) You don't like the leaders and you leave God?, that is a funny answer to me, i mean come on whatever the leaders did, it may be good for us.. but if you found out it's bad that's not a reason to leave God, hey the church is made out of S.I.N.N.E.R.S.. there is no perect Church, leaders do make mistakes, but God NEVER and i mean Never make mistakes.
3rd) misunderstanding with another person?... what have God got to do with that? we and i mean humans misunderstand each other nothing to do with God, we destroy the ozone layer, not God.
4th) other things which are more important?... what is more important than God?.. Jesus said whatever you lose on earth you will gain in heaven, whatever you gain on earth you lose in heaven?.. so which one will you choose?... if you give up your money for God, hey he will give you back ????? times dont' worry.. just put God first.
5th) i think this is very common God allow bad things to happen to me... well i can't give you an answer about this but i can share my experience with you.. before i came to know God my parents went through a divorce and all my life, i did not blame God, but i asked why?.. and because of that i grew in maturity and that's what i thank God for.. till now i don't blame God for whatever that has happen to me.. but thank God for it.. give god a chance to answer you, it may take years for that answer to come but the bible said this "God works for the Good of those who love him" but it can also be because you are the one who did it to yourself.. God says don't do it, and you still do it then you got to face the problem, or like what the disciple asked jesus about the blind man, "Lord who sin?, he sin or his parents sin to cause him to be blind?" but jesus said none of them sin, but this happen so that the miracle of God can be done and let the people see..
so i hope i have answer these questions that whoever fall into these or are going to fall... i will leave on thing to encourage you that is in the bible
stand strong because the brothers around the world are facing the same thing as you.
and a few things that i came to and heard...
-because God did not answer my prayer and is not real anymore
-because i don't like the leaders
-because i had a misunderstanding with this person
-because i got other things which i find is very important
-because God allow things happen to me
yup these few things...
and come to think about it.. let me answer one by one
1st) what you mean by God is not real anymore?.. if he has been answering your prayers and just because of 1 prayer you say he is not real?.. hey listen to this... is not about what God can do for you, but it's about what you can do for God... or maybe is one of these answer, yes, no, Wait for the right timing or wait i have a better plan for you.. God never fails us.. sometimes it may take God to answer us in years.. but never give up hope, be patient.
2nd) You don't like the leaders and you leave God?, that is a funny answer to me, i mean come on whatever the leaders did, it may be good for us.. but if you found out it's bad that's not a reason to leave God, hey the church is made out of S.I.N.N.E.R.S.. there is no perect Church, leaders do make mistakes, but God NEVER and i mean Never make mistakes.
3rd) misunderstanding with another person?... what have God got to do with that? we and i mean humans misunderstand each other nothing to do with God, we destroy the ozone layer, not God.
4th) other things which are more important?... what is more important than God?.. Jesus said whatever you lose on earth you will gain in heaven, whatever you gain on earth you lose in heaven?.. so which one will you choose?... if you give up your money for God, hey he will give you back ????? times dont' worry.. just put God first.
5th) i think this is very common God allow bad things to happen to me... well i can't give you an answer about this but i can share my experience with you.. before i came to know God my parents went through a divorce and all my life, i did not blame God, but i asked why?.. and because of that i grew in maturity and that's what i thank God for.. till now i don't blame God for whatever that has happen to me.. but thank God for it.. give god a chance to answer you, it may take years for that answer to come but the bible said this "God works for the Good of those who love him" but it can also be because you are the one who did it to yourself.. God says don't do it, and you still do it then you got to face the problem, or like what the disciple asked jesus about the blind man, "Lord who sin?, he sin or his parents sin to cause him to be blind?" but jesus said none of them sin, but this happen so that the miracle of God can be done and let the people see..
so i hope i have answer these questions that whoever fall into these or are going to fall... i will leave on thing to encourage you that is in the bible
stand strong because the brothers around the world are facing the same thing as you.