back from Brisbane
it's a nice place to be in actually, the air is clean, the streets are clean and even the public toilets are very clean!... the people are nice too... a slow pace of life, sun's up by 6am, people start to flood the street, they close by 530pm.. i think they start work at 9.. man the working hours are short. So i would say it's better to live over there... as for the food.. i think it's slightly better than Sg... so anyway, we went to hope Brisbane on Sunday for service, and it's Good, they d0n't have a full band, they don't have a building, but they have a heart for Jesus...
we went in for the 1st service half way and near the ending of the sermon, the fire alarm rang, and everyone had to evacuate the building, they said that this had never happen before, it was an experience, so after that we went for their word for life, i went for leadership summit.. it talks about the general things about a leader, leading your own life, leading in your work place, etc... the first lesson was about a holy discontent, i read that book before, and it was a refreshment, you could just feel the heart of bill.. a question to ponder is what is the one thing you can't stand, what is the one thing that break your heart, because if that thing breaks your heart, it must have break God's heart too... what is that Popeye moment "I can't stand, i can't stands no more"... moses Popeye moment was seeing his own people getting beat up by Egyptians and God stop him at the burning bush. Nehemiah moment was seeing Jerusalem's wall broken and people mocking God.
so what is your popeye moment?
it's a nice place to be in actually, the air is clean, the streets are clean and even the public toilets are very clean!... the people are nice too... a slow pace of life, sun's up by 6am, people start to flood the street, they close by 530pm.. i think they start work at 9.. man the working hours are short. So i would say it's better to live over there... as for the food.. i think it's slightly better than Sg... so anyway, we went to hope Brisbane on Sunday for service, and it's Good, they d0n't have a full band, they don't have a building, but they have a heart for Jesus...
we went in for the 1st service half way and near the ending of the sermon, the fire alarm rang, and everyone had to evacuate the building, they said that this had never happen before, it was an experience, so after that we went for their word for life, i went for leadership summit.. it talks about the general things about a leader, leading your own life, leading in your work place, etc... the first lesson was about a holy discontent, i read that book before, and it was a refreshment, you could just feel the heart of bill.. a question to ponder is what is the one thing you can't stand, what is the one thing that break your heart, because if that thing breaks your heart, it must have break God's heart too... what is that Popeye moment "I can't stand, i can't stands no more"... moses Popeye moment was seeing his own people getting beat up by Egyptians and God stop him at the burning bush. Nehemiah moment was seeing Jerusalem's wall broken and people mocking God.
so what is your popeye moment?