Wednesday, June 28, 2006

well just now met my sheep for shepherding... amazing thing happened... when i started teaching for the 1st few lines.. suddenly the presence of god just rushed through whole body... it lasted for like 10 seconds very strong presence of GOD... not only that.. after the rushing of his presence.. next with my eyes still opened.. i saw a vision... God... with his mighty hand just crack a dem.. and fresh water started rushing out!!! wow!!!!.. beautiful pic... hey bro and sis i believe God is gonna do something different.. in your lives.. in revelation it say.. i stand at the door knocking.... if we all open the door and invite Jesus in and eat with us... something powerful is gonna happen in your life!!!...respond to it seek it claim it and it's yours!!!...

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

oh man... it has been sometime i update my blog again... things are cool.. many things happening this july.. like evo camp.. crash course ect..... 1 thing that i can't wait is this coming friday FIRE CONFERENCE!!.... i believed God told me that he is going to do something in that conference.. everyone there will experience it.. so what are you waiting for?... make your self free and experience GOD!....

Friday, June 23, 2006

it's friday.. still haven't hit my goal yet.. sad man... i did what i can... today while sharing christ with a friend... while sharing half way.. the lord said.. be patient... i was like.. now?... oh man.. God is going to test my patience again.. that friend of mine didn't accept jesus yet... it link to God's word spoken to men.."be patient".. while on the way home.. i keep arguing.. come on man.. God he is your child what u mean by be patient?... but i told mself to shut up.. God is in control...
I'm sorry God for arguing back with you.. i will continue to trust your timing...

That's one thing i learned.... trust in God's timing....

Next week is Fire Conference!!!!!.. have u register for the workshop yet?.. if not quick!!!!....

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

today is really a amazing day... even yesterday....

1st of all.. i want to thank my CG people... the group grow because u are doing your part...

and now.....

yesterday monday.... we went to the new-believer's house to visit.. to gain trust of the parents... we went there.. talk to everyone... and all that.. we asked the mom if eugene could come for the EVO camp... the mom said.. i don't mind.. as long as u look after him... because he got a bit a illness...she aked what camp is that.... i's a church camp... she say ic, sure he can go... when asked her if she allows him to go for service.. she say sure no problem, his aunt also bing him to church..
WOWO!!!!! she agreed to everything!!! Praise GOD!!.... half the battle won... now is the aunt.. because i believe that if u attend a church service, life must change.... so now we will try to convince his aunt to allow him.. we will find a way.. but if god's plan is not for him to come to hope then... we will obey....

Today!... chen wei and i went to meet his classmate... after eating... i aked him" hope u don't mind me sharing this to you.. i'm a christian.. and this changed my life and i want to share it with u".. then i continued with the bridge digram... at first he say don't want... then later not sure.... somehow i convinced him.. then ok.. he agreed to like "try it out" is really up to god to prove himself... have to keep praying for him... and when i asked him if he can come for a christian gathering.. he say ok.. i will come..WOWOWo!!!!... god i s amazing.. and i also asked him for camp and he also say OK!!!.... God is really amazing!!!......

the last 1... we are having a MCG on july 13.. and by GOd's grace... we have in total with our own members confirm... 25 people!!!!!!! god is really blessing..i really hope that from this event onwards... many will keep joining us... and will trust us and also they will know god!!!.... now we need to come out with our own name for this so called "organisation".... well if god can help us... surley god can also do the same... just go in faith with a limited knowledge and god will help out in the rest....


Monday, June 19, 2006

alright... today...... we went out for steamboat at marina south.... and in the end i find that the food a little bored already....but anyway everyone enjoyed themselves inculding me.... this coming july 13... we are going to see 15 visitors!!!!!!!! for our MCG... is really a step of faith.. and i'm really not sure how god will do it.. and what's the next step?.... but the next half of the year intensive SOW.... i can't really see the big picture now... but it's all walking by faith now.... no faith with action is useless, with faith and no action is also useless.. but with faith and action success is knocking on your door.....

from the bottom of my heart... i really want to do something different... i see conference going from country to country.... but why not we see estate to estate in singapore?... going to different community center to hold conferences.... somehow i believe that the young and old will come.... i don't mind doing that now... but i need time.. and God's guidence.... i don't know why i like to do things differently... somehow i don't seem to be affected by failuers.. but insted many different ideas just keep coming in.. if fail.. a fresh idea will come in......i can't wait to finish studying... maybe i will stop at poly.... then... i will see what god wants me to do......

this coming service... east b must hit 10!!!!... i don't know how..... but with my human standard.. i will do what i can to save souls.. and the rest is up to God already.....

life is really full of surprises..... who know what will happen to you when u sleep, when u go to school, when tomorrow comes.... if there is anyone reading this and have not receive jesus as your Lord and Saviour.... please think over and over.... my life will never be the same if God didn't come to me.... if u want to know who is this jesus... tag at my board...

seriously i don't know why i'm typing all these... what i type is all from the bottom of my heart... so there is no start and end... sorry to keep jumping from topic to topic.... night!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

it has been sometime ever since i updated... and here i am to update..

update, update, update... here done!!...LOL... trying to be lame here...

anyway.. my sch ended!!! this means that the coming week to 24 july.. i'm FREE!!!! haha...
but my subject can make it... the other... depend on god already.... but i don't know why.. almost every exam, i am always so relax....good in a way but also bad in a way...
and now i'm feeling very tired.... oh and since during the holiday.. it's a good time to do S.O.W... and also to work(hopefully) last but not least... EXERCISE!!!.... i hope that i can wake up everyday at about 9am.. just to workout....but then again it depends on me....

Right now got nothing much to really update... see you again....

Sunday, June 11, 2006

all right..... time to update...

lets see...on firday c.west people came to my hs at bukit batok for bbq... and they had way too much food left over... haha.. but thats good.. going to a bbq with very little food is really really wierd and it sucks! anyway.. some people ask me how come i got 2 house... well..i'm gonna say this once right here... my parents are divorced.. the guy whom u see over there at bukit batok is not my dad.. is my step-dad.. but the women u see is my real mom... yup... so thats why i got 2 place.. but anyway...

my mom came back from her church camp at KL... she was telling me about this guy called Ian Peter... she said that he is a very anointed person... well... as she speak about him and how she encounter god through him... there is a hunger building in me.. i tasted god's anointing in the past.. the rich anointing that boost my spiritual gifts... i had many great encounter with the holy spirit.. but as time goes.. it drop little by little and soon it became a little dry.... but months ago.. i am starting to desire this hunger again..i hunger for the anointing.. i hunger to see god using me(thats why i am called isaish.. isa 6:8)...i want to see god mirical in everyday life... isn't it exciting?.. when god use us.. then a big problem comes along then god's mirical comes along too... WOW!!!!... it's really a beautiful picture!!!.. take sometime to imagine that... even when god pour his anointing on us then he uses us.. i can really imagine it... really wonderful... many times when worship.. i'm just so lost in his presence.. I WANT MORE!!!!!!!!.........

i hope u too will desire god's's really beautiful.....

P.s:.. can anyone tell me about being slain in the spirit?... i heard this many times.. i heard that our church used to do the slaining thing(not sure if it's true)... someone please explain... tks

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

long time never blog already... lets see....

well.. east b coming up with something big.. none of us tired this b4.. we r going to like start our own click.. we will try to be the most attractive group in sch.. and for coming july holiday we going to book about 15 coms from a lan shop and book 2 pool and 2 billard table.. we aim to see at least 20 people to join us.. it's really exciting.. because we never try anything like this b4.. we r going to put a risk of getting hurt.. losing some $$.. but if this pulls through... many will come to us.. so this is just the starting...

during the holiday.. we are going to have a overnight CG!!! i believe that after that night our bonds will be stronger... and the hunger for the word of god will grow! a christian life is very interesting and challenging..i love it...

night everyone